Monday, June 28, 2010

Russia 20th June - 21st June

Saint petersburg in Russia was absoutly fantastic 5 of the funniest days of my life!
It started off with me getting on the bus at 5.30am on Sunday morning, going into Helsinki and then catching a train at 7.30am to Saint Petersburg! he trip there went fine. My train station was in the Lenin area of town! Managed to get completly lost on my way to the hostel and it took me two hours. GRRR
When I got to the epic Soul Kitchen Hostel I found out Rachel was not there yet :( I ended up reading for a lil then went on a short walk to find a supermarket.
Got back from that then was in the kitchen and started talking to M. Within a few minuetes she invited me to go out for a walk with her and her brothers after she realised I was all by myself. Saint Petersburg just looks amazing it is not very high tech. I ended up buying a bottle of vodka when i was with them and did not even get checked for ID! Even though it was 40% stuff.
We went back to the hostel as we had a game of Mafia to play, but just as we were about to play Rachel showed up!!! with D and her bf.
So went back to D's place and picked up her stuff. Came back to the hostel around midnight and the game of mafia was over :( I was tired so I ended up going to bed.

We woke up at 8am and bummed around as we got given a buffet breakfast at 9am. The hostel has the YUMMIEST jam!!!!
We then went and got registered (well I did Rach forgot one form) so we had to go back later on - where the was more people from our hostel there. We then went and had lunch. we ordered by pointing at the signs and such. was real good food!!!
went back and got advice from one of the staff of where we should go. so we attempted to go to St Issaccs Cathedral. What should of been a nice simple hour walk ended up in us walking for 2 hours and then we found out we went to St Nicholas's cathedral instead!
We asked direcrions the whole way back! well till we saw the monument which was our guide! That night we played scrabble with to other people staying there - one who ended up spending a lot of time with through out our stay!

Letters day 2

Letter 8-- Your favourite internet friend-- Well i've made two friends through the internet that I have met and spend all my social time with in Finland, so Lucy and Stephanie. Great people to talk to, no matter what Stephanie has let me come and crash at her place, or just hang out.
Letter 9-- Someone you wish you could meet-- Lenin or Ho Chi Minh. I would love to find out how they actuallymanaged to do everything they did. walking from country to country for one thing!
Letter 10-- Someone you don't talk to as often as you'd like to-- Everyone in NZ. I never seem to be able to get a chance to talk as often as I would like. When all I wanna do is talk to you all!
Letter 11-- A deceased person you wish you could talk to-- Claudia Newton.
Letter 12-- The person who you hate most/caused you a lot of pain-- I only hate one person. Bt dad is prob the one who has caused me the most pain.
Letter14-- The person you've drifted away from-- Ashleigh McNae did a lot together and now we neither talk.
Letter 15-- The person you miss the most-- ... nearly everyone in NZ. Now Lucy as well.
Letter 16-- Someone that's not in your state/country-- Most of my friends and family!
Letter 17-- Someone from your childhood--Nikita Cox. We meet at kindy then again at primary school four years later. Would of been great to maintain being friends!
Letter 18-- The person that you wish you could be--Will never happen, may as well just enjoy life as just me.
Letter 19-- Someone that pesters your mind-- good or bad-- C.Go away.
Letter 20-- The one that broke your heart the hardest-- no one
Letter 21-- Someone you judged by their first impression-- Must be someone just can not remember right now.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Letters (copied off Rose)

Letter 1 your best friend: This ones a hard one as I have several best friends. I would not be who I am today without any of them. Through all the crazy times and different countries we still have a reasonable amount of contact. Been friends through drunk times, over tired times, beach trips, camping, days out. So many more I love you!
Letter 2 — your crush:
.... Life's to short.
Letter 4 — your sibling (or closest relative): Kathleen
when we were little and growing up we were super close. I looked up to you, you were the one that was my protecter. The one I talked to about mum and dad splitting up. You understood. As we are now older we are not as close, we have lives that are so different from each other. It's great that you are happily setteled down.
Letter 5 — your dreams:
Pick one and live it. Learn qll you can and go places. Do not let anyone hold you back, or put you into the back light. Talk as much as you like and not let anyone cut in or dictate the conversation when meeting people - you miss out that way!
Letter 6 — a stranger:
"The friends I have not meet yet"
Letter 7 — your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush:
Thanks, it was an experience being with you. Hope you have a good rest of your life.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

A long time

Well tommorrow I am off to saint Petersburg and to see Rachel!!!

Today though I went with the family and the Icelandic family (besides the mum) to Moominworld!

It was a lot of fun, its not just rides and such it is little stories and shows. Plus models of all the houses and every other thing in the moomin books.
The photos is of Mia, me and Moominpappa. Got told I had to have a photo taken with one, so I picked wise old Moominpappa (who really isnt that wise).
I'm excited about going away tomorrow and will now not see the family till next Sunday or Monday depending on when they are coming home as they are going away for midsummer.
Still loving it here, been going swimming a bit recently as C and M have had swimming school each day.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

3 months

Wow I have been in Finnyland for 3 months now! Time on the whole has flown!
The seasons have changed dramtically since I have been here. Now it is gorgeous (for today at least) and summer! What I have I done today? Gone swimming with 3 of my girls, read, had peanut butter on toast, had macaroni and cheese dish for lunch, chicken salad then jaffas and cadbury chocolate!
Just stuff I would have done in NZ, but still.
10 more days till Russia!!!
19 till Iceland
33 till UK!
Some blogging may be done in this time but as of yet I am not to sure but I have two memory cards so I can take around 1200 photos! Since I have the miracle of a laptop and a hard drive it will be deleting photos from one place and then on to the next!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


I got my laptop up and working again :)

Mum sent me a parcel full of lots of yummy goodies like peanut butter, pineapple lumps, JAFFAS and other great stuff!

So reasonably happy at the moment and to top it off I go to Russia in 12 days and see Rachel!

Lifes pretty slow at the moment as the mum is home. Plus the two girls are going to swimming lessons.

The mum came home today and all she said was "Josie your thing has arrived" So I went straight off (after meeting the new kindminder nextdoor) To get my awesome parcel. So spent most of my time on my laptop oopps.

Saturday, June 5, 2010


I have not been on here in awhile!
My laptop cord has still not arrived which is why.
15 days till I go to Russia and see Rachel :)
No one else is home at the moment so I get the computer all to myself for once! (It is in the lounge and very hard to get on to with a 5 year old around)
Meeting a girl called Lucy tomorrow. She is 5 months older then me. Will be nice to be around someone so close to my own age again.
I have 5 epic weeks lined up soon! and it all starts in around 2 weeks! Its uber exciting.
Just out of curiosity who does still read my blog? Or am I just talking to cyberspace.
I have to say not having my laptop feels a bit like having an arm chopped off.
Reading alot though. crack up as. Going for around 2 walks a day as well - mainly through the evil forest.
Haha but you dont look when Finnish builders get out of the car as they may just be in underwear. Not sure who was more suprised Cessi or I.
Family's home so I am off bye!