So I had a super long birthday this year!!! It started by people saying happy birthday at midnight NZ time, then Dad ringing me Thursday night. Then skyping home and talking to Jolene. Woke up Friday morning and was feeling sick argh. But woke up and there were two presents on the kitchen table waiting for me. 19 pairs of socks and a book about Copenhagen!!! Plus an awesome birthday card.
Went and skyped to mum and Jeremy for awhile then and went and caught the bus to the airport to go to Copenhagen!
Great time in Copenhagen 1st night we talked and Rachel and I went out for tea! Had Thai food. Plus had a birthday cake with whipped cream and pineapple lumps :)
The next day we woke up early and headed to Tivoli the amusement park!!!
Incrediable spent all day there but by the end I could not even speak - so no going out that night either.
Sunday more or less just travelled home to Finland - got picked up at the airport! Then everyone else came home at 7pm my friend came over for tea as well and we had a birthday tea. With yummy cake - plus when I got home I had a present waiting for mum on my desk. Had an awesome birthday and felt very loved. Also will be home on the 23rd of Dec around 10am yay!!