Thursday, May 27, 2010


Yesterday I was wondering around the libary and in the kids section I found a Margret Mahy books!
They have managed to be sold all the way into Finland!
was having a bad day the other day but got letter from Rachel along with a picture, it really made my day!
Then we had a squirrel inside as well.
Raining hre at the moment started yesterday, hopefully it does not last to long.
Being overly homesick at the moment. Does not help that the girls are overtired so they are acting up. Today will be fun!
Read 'Angels & Demons' by Dan Brown.
Going to buy tshirts in the weekend I think!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Do you remember when you were yonger and you could more or less day to day witout worrying about much?
I wish ife was still like that now at times.
Having parent who are constanty there - thinking they will always be there.

Life is good now too I guess just in different ways.
Just at times it would be nice to stil have the protection blakets of not needing to worry about a thing.
I love the kids I look after and the older sister Olivia (who has taken a liking to giving me lots of hugs.) But is freaky thinking I am not coming home for another 7 months. Im going to be screwed if I have to pay for the ticket myself...
7 months is such a fricken long time!!!
It becomes a case of living it day by day.
Whats hard is when a dicussion is going on and you would like to hear it but dont understand cause it is in another language.
My laptop is now broken too. So am using a swedish computer that tells me every word I spell is worng.

On a happy note as long as Rach gets her visa soon I will get to spend 5 days in Russia with her and her birthday! Then we are going to come back to finland together! In 26 days!!!
Which is not to bad... Except soon the mum will be home al the time so I will not ave te house to myself in the mornings aymore.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Had Jasper home the whole day today!
As he is a bit sick. So will have him home again tomorrow so he gets better.
We went to the lake to feed the birds 2/3 of the kids fall in! Sure that is a record.
1 month 1 day till Russia.
8 working days till Ulrika is home for 6 weeks... Shall be interesting having their mum home as well when I am babysitting. A lot different to what I am use to Im sure. But most likely easier then it being her mum. Also within in that time as long as we can find a place and such we should be going to Iceland!
Argh got red dots like I got last year when I was being allergic to school...

Monday, May 17, 2010


I managed to get TO the Russian consulate today - my visa is currently being processed *yay*
At the consulate in line I meet two Korean guys who are going to be studying in Russia one was at high school the other I think university. As at there high schools they have like 20+ subjects apprantly...
A Russian person only knew 3 English words - "I love you"
I meet a German who is travelling through lots of countries on his moterbike. Sounds like lots of fun to me!
Now I have my plane ticket home (gotta pay Rach back). Accommodation booked. Now I just need to get my visa back and buy my train ticket there!
It is happening and in just over a month yay!!!
UK Tour is getting there. Just working out accommodation... what tours to go on etc. Then will just need to book.
Not to sure what is happening with Iceland but will find out closer to the time.
Loving Helsinki! Finland and my forest.
Getting really hot like 25 degrees!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Today I attempted to get to the Russian Consulate - did not work out to well...
Next time I am taking a map with me! Good fun though...
Saw a nun dressed in a brown robe. An old lady with her white hair dyed purple.
Missed Kathleen's graduation :(
Missing, Tabi, Rach, Rach, Mum, Kathleen, Jeremy, Jolene, Kitty, Max, Keryn (I get no hugs anymore besides from a 3 year old), Becca, Rose and more!
Danced with Olivia and Cessi tonight. Have done two nights in a row but just for a few hours - got an ice cream (glass) last night!
Been really tired this week.
Tomorrow (Thursday) is

Ascension of Jesus day. So I get the day off plan to go Stephanie and continue planning London. Where I may go to Lacock and see the church place HP was filmed....

My laptop charger is breaking. I need someway to get a new one.....

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Argh nearly 9 hours with constant looking after of 3+ kids is very tiring!
Had to start getting them ready for bed as well! Thankfully Julia helped a lot and got Cessi and Mia in their pyjamas and teeth brushed. Read a few stories to them... in english :)
Hmmm after a certain amount of time with them, they can be very fustrating. Often it is easier for me just to go and clean up there messes myself. Saves a lot of arguing!
Russia visas are very anonnying to get!
May end up staying there longer though.. but it means Rach wont come back to Finland with me...
Got a letter from Gran and Grandad today it made my day!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I love rain - good excuse just to curl up inside and read all day. Not so good though when you have 3 kids to amuse for 4 hours or so...
Squirrels really do look cute, one lives outside my room.
Currently reading Harry Potter and the Half blood prince.
The forest just down the road from is is great! Really green (lots of moss) and has cool looking paths.
So scary how it is May already! nearly been gone two whole months only 8 left then.
Playing scrabble with mum, not good as she is smart. She has won all fricken 9 games so far and just managed to score 91 points in one game....

Saturday, May 1, 2010

May Day Eve

Had a pretty epic day yesterday.
Went to the forest with my darling 3 children. Came back at 4pm and the dad was home - with decorations for May Day Eve.
I went in to Helsinki to see the washing and capping of Havis Amanda in the market square garden. With 5 other au pairs, you could hear wine bottles being popped every few minutes. Students had overalls on depending on there major at the uni - along with little patches.
They whole place smelled of alcohol. Students then tend to go to pubs and restaurants. We went to the Aussie Bar, not many students were in there... As we were not there for long, with leaving early at 9pm as they have age restrictions at most pubs of 21 but if you go in early they don't check your id.
When it came down just to being me Anna and another girl we decided we had not eaten in ages so we went to McDonald's for some food.