Life is never boring but some people choose to be bored. The concept of boredom entails an inability to use up present moments in a personally fulfilling way. Boredom is a choice; something you visit upon yourself, and it is another of those self-defeating items that you can eliminate from your life. WAYNE W. DYER, Your Erroneous Zones

Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Freaky as though.
Looking forward to seeing everyone and my cats. PLus hearing kiwiness all day everyday.
This weekend it was a 3 day weekend and we went to Sweden which is absoultly beautiful!
Just ahhhh... gonna miss my Finnish family so much..
But will finally be able to start planning forward.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Just snow
Well at the moment I am in love with the snow and just found out it will stay at least for the week! Sometimes they do not get snow here till January so I am super happy that they have it now.. Wonder how much I will still like it in 4 weeks...
The photos are taken this morning from outside my bedroom door.
It was amazing on Wens I went and saw Harr Potter came home at 1 in the morning to snow, snowed all the next day. None the next then yesterday it was snowing again! Except it eans that outside is in the negatives. Also I have caught another cold! Grrrr
On Friday the teachers at the nursery well the two main ones asked if I would like to watch Cessi in a play. Turns out I was the only person not from the nursery who went and watched and understood very little. It was great to see Cessi 'acting' though.
Last night I decided I would watch TV. First show I watched was half in English half in Finnish, second show half in Russian and half in Finnish. Finally I found a show just in English called Team Pullman, which was really good.
I have started knitting and am finally attempting to do a big person scarf, will see how it goes.
This morning I went o Facebook and there was a group chat going - made me realise how much I missed the craziness of everyone! Makes me more excited about coming home.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Got to go out to one club (it cost a lot of money just to get in :P) With 9 German girls and one Icelandic. Lots of fun all the songs were in English so I was a little bit confused when I heard Finnish in passing.
Saturday spent the day knitting and tiding and talking to my Finnish family.
Sunday I got to talk to Tabi and then I went out to the Helsinki City Museum and St Nicholas's Church. Was just incredible!!!
TOday has been super busy - since 12 o'clock onwards I have been working or at Finnish Class! Now 9.45pm so tired and did not manage to study yet. Spent along time playing Snakes and ladders.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Can not wait for the weekend!
Next week I got aan interview to get into uni :P Stressed a lot about that!!! Life is on the line.
Woke up covered in spots this morning, really not a good sign least it is just a few more days.
Sounds more positive about going to Stockholm.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Just random
Plus I managed to book my tickets to go see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1. Excited about that!
Argh on Nov 11th I have an interview to get into uni at 23.30!!! Will need coffee or something that night.
Sunday I got to talk to mum in the morning and then went out to the movies to go see Eat, Pray, Love. With some of the other au pairs which was really fun. Went shopping before hand to. Got something I really wanted to have.
Except now the grandmother is here so life is not as fun as it normally is as the two youngest are home all day for the whole entire week! Oh well this morning on my walk I got one of them to come to so the other one could have one on one time with there grandmother.
It's 7 weeks and 1 day now till I leave Europe not long at all. (Still no idea when I leave Finland.)
Best go to work
Monday, October 18, 2010
19 :O
So I had a super long birthday this year!!! It started by people saying happy birthday at midnight NZ time, then Dad ringing me Thursday night. Then skyping home and talking to Jolene. Woke up Friday morning and was feeling sick argh. But woke up and there were two presents on the kitchen table waiting for me. 19 pairs of socks and a book about Copenhagen!!! Plus an awesome birthday card.
Went and skyped to mum and Jeremy for awhile then and went and caught the bus to the airport to go to Copenhagen!
Great time in Copenhagen 1st night we talked and Rachel and I went out for tea! Had Thai food. Plus had a birthday cake with whipped cream and pineapple lumps :)
The next day we woke up early and headed to Tivoli the amusement park!!!
Incrediable spent all day there but by the end I could not even speak - so no going out that night either.
Sunday more or less just travelled home to Finland - got picked up at the airport! Then everyone else came home at 7pm my friend came over for tea as well and we had a birthday tea. With yummy cake - plus when I got home I had a present waiting for mum on my desk. Had an awesome birthday and felt very loved. Also will be home on the 23rd of Dec around 10am yay!!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Great weekend
Sunday got to talk to mum for the first time since Wens and Jolene as well :) Got completly lost again. Then spent some of the night playing monopoly in Swedish!
Friday, September 17, 2010
- Started Finnish classes it is a small group but there is another Nzer!!!! Was so excited - had not meet one in Finland so 6 months without talking to a proper NZ accent face to face was great! Cant wait till Monday now.
- I have sent my application for uni to mum, so now it's up to her to finish everything off.
- I wanna go back to Scotland
- Going to Denmark for my birthday with Rachel Triska which should be great!
- There's another au pair in my finnish course from Sibera so meeting lot of different nationalities. Everyone in my course is around 6 years at least older.
- Icelandic family's au pair is nice - and see her at least once a week, plus she is 18!
- 99 days till christmas.
- i may get a chance to go to Sweden as well!
- Rewatching some Friends
- Finally read my Clare Mallory books.
Other then that, still missing people even though the one's I actually still talk to properly have dropped to 3 :( Werid not being at school as well, nearly a whole year without, in saying that I could not go back. Missing my family still a lot and getting to talk to them less and less.
Also what on earth is going on in NZ???
Finally it's Friday so got a whole weekend of nothing to do ;)
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
This time it's deciding between courses (alot less decisions then that way last year.)
Primary teaching looks a lot harder to get into - but most likely more job options. Plus, do I really wanna teach teach?
Early childhood is what Kathleen did - do not really wanna copy her... Also some of my friends will be on that course and could always ask Kathleen for help. i do not think there as many job options anymore.. .
Primary is 4 years and Early Childhood 3 years.
Early childhood has more maori papers then Primary.
I have to apply really soon...
Or do I just find myself a full time job work for the year, save money and then apply? argh to many fricken choices :(
Saturday, August 7, 2010
7th August 2010

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Walking through a forest and spending 30 mins watching a fishermen attempt to bring in his catch.
Being the 'gang' with 'our bus'
Monday, June 28, 2010
Russia 20th June - 21st June
Letters day 2
Letter 9-- Someone you wish you could meet-- Lenin or Ho Chi Minh. I would love to find out how they actuallymanaged to do everything they did. walking from country to country for one thing!
Letter 10-- Someone you don't talk to as often as you'd like to-- Everyone in NZ. I never seem to be able to get a chance to talk as often as I would like. When all I wanna do is talk to you all!
Letter 11-- A deceased person you wish you could talk to-- Claudia Newton.
Letter 12-- The person who you hate most/caused you a lot of pain-- I only hate one person. Bt dad is prob the one who has caused me the most pain.
Letter14-- The person you've drifted away from-- Ashleigh McNae did a lot together and now we neither talk.
Letter 15-- The person you miss the most-- ... nearly everyone in NZ. Now Lucy as well.
Letter 16-- Someone that's not in your state/country-- Most of my friends and family!
Letter 17-- Someone from your childhood--Nikita Cox. We meet at kindy then again at primary school four years later. Would of been great to maintain being friends!
Letter 18-- The person that you wish you could be--Will never happen, may as well just enjoy life as just me.
Letter 19-- Someone that pesters your mind-- good or bad-- C.Go away.
Letter 20-- The one that broke your heart the hardest-- no one
Letter 21-- Someone you judged by their first impression-- Must be someone just can not remember right now.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Letters (copied off Rose)
Letter 2 — your crush:
.... Life's to short.
Letter 4 — your sibling (or closest relative): Kathleen
when we were little and growing up we were super close. I looked up to you, you were the one that was my protecter. The one I talked to about mum and dad splitting up. You understood. As we are now older we are not as close, we have lives that are so different from each other. It's great that you are happily setteled down.
Letter 5 — your dreams:
Pick one and live it. Learn qll you can and go places. Do not let anyone hold you back, or put you into the back light. Talk as much as you like and not let anyone cut in or dictate the conversation when meeting people - you miss out that way!
Letter 6 — a stranger:
"The friends I have not meet yet"
Letter 7 — your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush:
Thanks, it was an experience being with you. Hope you have a good rest of your life.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
A long time
Thursday, June 10, 2010
3 months
Wow I have been in Finnyland for 3 months now! Time on the whole has flown!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Had Jasper home the whole day today!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Ascension of Jesus day. So I get the day off plan to go Stephanie and continue planning London. Where I may go to Lacock and see the church place HP was filmed....
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Saturday, May 1, 2010
May Day Eve
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Whats really confusing is doing a normal activity like cooking, or reading - then to find I'm in Finland and not in NZ. It's upsetting, I know I choose to be here nothing besides the whole money thing is making be stay - and the fact that when I am not thinking I do enjoy myself. Which is quite a bit of the time now, just yea. It is hard to explain, such simple things. Like doing something and realising that you cant just text Tabi or Rach and tell them what just happened. Or come home after working and argue with Jeremy or talk to Jolene and mum.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Well today started off by talking to mum, she had been to the Dawn parade in Feilding. While trying to get on to hotmail I was on the MSN and saw that a helicopter had crashed on the way to a service killing at least 3 people. A truck in australia hit 6 war veterans thankfully none died.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Ok so this is what happens when you agree to make stuff with kids. You become a pretty good maker with flowers! Had a great day - kids happy the whole time, watched moomin and space trainers with them. Space trainers is a swinglish show, so I understood a little.
Thursday 22nd April
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Harry Potter
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
AHH! Happy
So not to much happening, everything seems to be going good between me and my kids, the parents like me I think.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Saturday 10th April 2010 - Been here a whole month now!

Ok so great day today, talked on skype to Tabi, played games with mum on skype.
Friday, April 9, 2010
10 Friendship commandments as stated by Creme

Thou shall always remember their birthday
Sometime friendships are about the big moments - how you react when they're going through tough times, how you handle your first fight, how she picks you up when you are at you lowest point - and sometimes it's about the little moments. Remembering your bestie's birthday or another important dates shows that you pay attention to her life and you're thinking about her. Those are the kind of little details that can make a big difference.
Care Package
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Later that day
Wednesday 7th April 2010

Monday I did not do much mainly watched movies which was great fun!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Easter Sunday

Friday, April 2, 2010
Good Friday
Well it has been, no work. Only 2 kids at home. Cessi and Jasse as the others have gone away to their grandparents with Lasse. So just four of us at home.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Thursday 1st April 2010
Had a great day today!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Wens 31st March 2010
Had pasta (spaghitti) with a sauce which contained meat tonight for tea, yum!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Later that day
Had spinach soup for tea :( with hard boiled egg. So I had toast afterwards.
30th March 2010 an average day
Well mum complained I did not put enough on my blog. In my opinion I am not doing interesting enough stuff as of yet.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Wenesday 24th March 2010
So not to much happening...
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Olivia's Birthday
Today is Olivia's birthday... I gave her a kiwi which is one english word she said on her first try.