Friday, January 22, 2010

Friday 22nd January 2010

Nothing special today - just was an average day.

But still I am making an entry.
I was excited last night but then Mums bf came over. So I ran away to mine and went and bought myself chocolate milk.
Making a pav for tomorrow at the book sale.
Sorry for ranting

1 comment:

  1. What were you excited about?
    I can kinda see your point about home cause I get what you mean about disliking new people - sorta. But I don't think home is where you can say or do whatever you want :/ or maybe thats just my home. "they all just tend to be wankers" .... does he not deserve a chance? Innocent til proven guilty? forgive but dont forget type thing?
    Sorry, I would take your side on anything, no matter what, and I hope you know that. I'm not anti your choices at all.
    Hope you feeling better soon.
