Awesome day!!!
Got up early and went to a sports day with Rachel :)
We were helping out in the kiddies corner - with arts n craft type things. The little kids were so cute - found out giraffe was a common favourite animal.
Some really fit and tanned guys there - all very good looking.
Well there was also this guy we started talking to as he put ' you could not help but smile around him'. He was funny, happy and all the kids seemed to adore him. He even managed to stop one kid crying that Rachel and I was meant to be taken care of but she freaked as she did not know us. A very enthusiastic dancer as well :P One of the nicest guys I have meet in awhile.
Went and helped out at singstar. With some okish results.
Super happy and sunburnt.
you put the photo up already! oh my gosh I love it haha I got mean photography skillz ;)