Woop I got picked up for work today. Nice not having to walk down and then spend 7 hours working. As I have to walk home.
In life sure money is what buys most things; clothes, food, computers and most of the day to day things.
Sure you need the food and clothes to survive. But it has been proven that you also need positive human contact as well. They did a study in some country where they had 10 babies or so and to see what language they would speak, they only feed them and made sure they warm. Those babies did not last long. AS it has proven that we do need love. Love comes in all shapes and sizes - whether it is a mother's or father's love to sibling love, friendship, teachers, leaders, or from in a relationship. It's what makes the world go round really. Cause thinking about it I would give up all my earthly possessions so the people I loved and liked could be happy.
But the biggest and greatest love is all or so I hear is actually being able to say you love yourself. Just being able to be content being you would be great, but no one I know is like this as far as I have seen. People put on airs about being so 'great' but alot of the time I get the feelign these people have less self confidence then even me! They seem to only want others approval. But that when it comes down to it - is what everyone want and needs.
I saw two of my Brownies today :) I had a good long chat with one of them, I miss them SO much!
When working I went out with the girl and her teacher so we did things where you need two people like - go to the pool, sit down at McDonalds and the park. It was great.
Also one of the funniest things to do at work is have the girl in her wheelchair and chase the dog around the house, as it was raining and wanted to do something fun. Me and the dog had fun at least.
So Happy :)
Well not really - but am happy he is getting better!
Will add a photo next time my laptop is in the lounge
too true.